Address to the Attendees in South Leith Parish Church in May 2023
The future has to be fought for.
Matt Le Tissier is to be interviewed by Professor of Biosciences Richard Ennos on the 4th of May, at South Leith Parish Church, starting at 7pm GMT. If you cannot attend but would like to see, hear and engage with the event, then you can watch the livestream for FREE here.
A Possible Address:
Welcome everybody to Common Knowledge’s event in the beautiful South Leith Parish Church. I will not thank you for coming and will explain why later.
At Common Knowledge, we want to build a community based on values.
There are people here with a range of values and a range of priorities. Some of you believe that the last three years have been an assault on humanity, others are here because they want to hear Matt Le Tissier’s stories about David Beckham. However, we can all agree on a few things: there must be freedom of speech, the era of No Debate must end, and Matt Le Tissier is a very good footballer. Other common points I’ll come to.
Before we go any further, we would like to pay tribute to anyone who was against lockdowns in 2020. We know how lonely and difficult that period was and I would like to thank, with a heartfelt gratitude for their courage, those people that stood their ground because I do not think we would be having this meeting without their resilience.
There are 19 million unvaccinated in the UK. A lot is owed to those 19 million people. I genuinely believe that if there had not been such widespread resistance to the vaccines we would be living in a different and darker world.
If the unvaccinated voted in mass for any political party in an election, with those numbers, it would elect that party. The problem is that not a single political party in the UK can be trusted on these issues. Therefore, the unvaccinated will have to find ways to use their voice and force the agenda. No one else will do it.
For those who are vaccinated and regret it or were hurt by it, we all make mistakes, even catastrophic ones and I believe that your experience will be valuable going forward, even if it has been personally tragic and harrowing, which is very upsetting. You’ve been betrayed. You trusted someone and they were not honest with you, and, if you did suffer injury due to their omissions and half-truths, they then turned their back on you in a cruel and unfeeling manner. You have endured anger, anguish, injury and hurt.
It is an outrage; it is inhumane. We want to work with you as you seek justice by spreading the word.
The bravery and determination of all types of people who are prepared to speak up has given us an opportunity to start to do things differently, to oppose the juggernaut of Control, to build alternative structures that have human values running through every level.
This event is trying to be an example of that. The Common Knowledge community funded it, just ordinary members, and any profit will be returned to the those members. This is how many community enterprises were run in the past and we are using it as a model for this event and, hopefully, others.
The other major model in the world is the corporate model whose purpose is to enrich relatively few people and demands obedience and conformity from the rest otherwise it gets rid of them.
That is not the model we want.
We’re not claiming our idea is the only model or even the best model, but it is a model that demands responsibility, communication and commitment from all the people involved. In short, it requires a community of empowered individuals. And that’s what we want to build, a community of values, that is practical and sustainable.
Values. Values are so important. So human. The passenger ships of meaning. And what is human life without meaning?
Common knowledge has values written into its constitution; Love and Courage are two of them.
Since we are here, in a church, a place built with a specific meaning and inspired by values, maybe we should spend a few minutes reflecting on the wider picture that has brought us here.
We are living at a turning point in history. The 4th Industrial Revolution as some people call it is now beginning to touch our lives. Everyone in this room will have their own ideas about what is really going on, and I don’t claim to know what is going on, but, to me, it looks like a familiar story - the Super-Rich of inherited wealth versus Everyone else. The spread of technology, science and information threatens the Old Money elites whose traditional power can be made worthless by a new invention, a new form of currency or a general awakening to corruption through the new forms of communication.
As previously, they’ve made a power-grab using fears about a virus and climate to launch multiple policies that are undemocratic, oppressive and destructive of human freedom. And this may be only the beginning of a path leading to further suppression, further loss of liberty and, who knows, the eradication of anything we would call human for everyone but the Super-Elite.
In preparation, the world seems to have gone off the rails. Science being practised in black sites with dark money funding, bio-labs with no accountability, secret technology that has been developed by highly secretive corporations that report to no one: the world exists as the civilisation we can see and the one that is kept from us, a breakaway civilisation, with its own agenda.
It’s not exactly clear where we, the people, fit into their plans, except as a resource herded into fifteen minute cities, regularly medicated, surveilled and sustained by whatever life our Overlords permit us.
Whether you think this is Communism or, like me, it’s some sort of Bio-tech feudalism, it leaves nothing of value for the mass of people.
‘People will revolt,’ some might say. Will they? Will they be able to? Brain science and microchip technology has developed to such an extent that you can microchip a cow, put it in field and it will never move beyond its geo-fence, because a from a computer will trigger an electrical spark in its nervous system which will force the cow to turn around when it gets to close to the perimeter of its field. They can recognise the neural clusters and electro pulses of the brain that precede any rebellious thought and kill it before it becomes conscious. That is a now a real possibility.
‘My government, people, scientists, they wouldn’t do that!’ some might say. I think many of the people in this hall know that ‘their government’ and many of its employees just spent two years injecting a product with no safety data in to the majority of the population and millions of children.
I do not set a limit to Evil.
This is as fitting a place to speak about Evil as any. What is evil? Who is evil? Tony Blair? Bill Gates?
To demystify evil for a minute, let’s look at it practically. Tony Blair is an exceptional politician. People I know who knew him always came away pleased with his company; he knows how to engage people, flatter them and make them feel important. If you ever hear some of his interactions with powerful people, it’s almost embarrassing. He’s a terrible sycophant. You don’t learn that in politics. You learn that in home with a frightening, bullying parent where it is clear that you keep them happy or you are made to feel unloved.
He will do what powerful, ruthless people tell him to do.
Bill Gates. I don’t know if you’ve seen those videos of his testimony to US Senate from 25 years ago. That’s a damaged individual. When he received the cream pie in the face thirty years ago in Brussels, his bodily reaction was that of a person with a deep attachment disorder, a trauma basically. You ever seen a picture of Bill Gates’ father? There’s one on Wikipedia. He looks angry and domineering, surrounded with lovely black children. You’d not be that surprised to know that he was involved in trying to cut African-American birth rates or he was happy to sit on the board of an organisation founded by someone, Margaret Sangster, who spoke to the Klu Klux Klan about what to do with other races, and the poor, in terms of extermination.
A difficult inheritance for any son.
Damaged people in power, unable to face themselves, whether you believe evil to be a spiritual force or not, is how, in my opinion, evil enters the world.
But most people aren’t evil.
How did we get here then? A world of mass compliance, lack of individual thought, a careless inhumanity that has seen loved ones die alone in care homes, everyone afraid.
People might not be evil, generally, but are they good? Or bad?
Perhaps we should think about what is bad. What is bad? Conformity is bad. Doing things for the wrong reasons are bad. Trusting people who exploit people for money and resources is bad. Always wanting to be happy is bad. Always wanting to be comfortable is bad. Never thinking is bad. Submission is bad. Giving-up is bad. Weakness is bad.
In Common Knowledge, we want to have a culture of not sugaring the pill but talking honestly. The standards that got us into this mess and which now threaten the future of ourselves, our children and future generations will not get us out of it. We need to become better; we need to become ‘good’.
So what is good? Love is good. Courage is good. Freedom is good. And we need to value them all and act upon our values.
Love without courage will be choked by fear. Courage without love is undirected aggression. Either without Freedom is meaningless.
So, tonight we’re celebrating these values.
None more so than courage.
I said I would not thank you for coming tonight. It’s patronising, condescending and manipulative! Instead, I offer something which I think is better. I respect you for coming out, whether you’re here because you have resisted these past three years or you’re just prepared to hear a different point of view.
Now, onto the event.
Matt Le Tissier, everyone knows. I don’t have to say much by way of introduction. We all know now, that no matter how good a footballer Matt Le Tissier was, and he was one of the best, he is an even better man. In such a dark time, with our politicians either cowering, conforming or orchestrating the suppression, he shone brightly and helped give hope to millions. Don’t think David Beckham or Alan Shearer will ever do that.
When other people hid under a rock, where many of them are still hiding, Matt Le Tissier showed his quality, demonstrated his values and gave a voice to millions. We must now support Matt and people like him who are prepared to join us in creating a community of value.
Thank you for standing for freedom.
"8-minute speech by a well-known footballer (Matt le Tissier) in front of the BBC, shaming them for their wicked collaboration with our corrupt government in injuring and killing innocent people with their 'vaccines'."
Posted February 18, 2023
Alternative link:
Posted February 12, 2023
Alternative video:
Posted Jan 24, 2023 (starts about 5 seconds later; pans to show crowd)
Matt Le Tissier is a football pundit and former football player based in the UK. His webpage is
His Twitter is
This was filmed at the Truth Be Told Rally, London, January 21, 2023
MATT LE TISSIER: Thanks everyone.
Thank you, I actually feel a little bit of a fraud stood up here today because this should be all about the vaccine injured and bereaved. But after speaking to John Watt* who you'll hear from shortly, he persuaded me that I should do this.
So the reason I believe that we're here today is because we care. We care about people getting injured, and we care about people dying. And this has happened all because these guys were coerced with military-grade psychological operations into taking this new gene therapy technology that is masquerading as a vaccine. And they were made to think that if they didn't take it, that they were an anti-vaxxer or a granny killer. This should have been the first red flag because if something was that great for you, you wouldn't, you would be queuing up for it, you wouldn't need to be coerced, you wouldn't need to be bribed, and you wouldn't need to be threatened with your job to take it, if it was that good for you.
So they took it because understandably, they thought that they were doing the right thing by their government and by their fellow human beings. So you would think that having done this, and sadly suffered extreme reactions and even death, that the government would be the first in the queue to say, what can we do? But they weren't the first in the queue. In fact, they're still not even in the fu*king queue.
They've abandoned, they've abandoned these people in their hour of need, they've turned their backs on them and treated them as collateral damage in this failed experiment. Now I always knew that most politicians that rise to positions of power were in it for themselves and not interested in us. But for them to now ignore the vaccine injured in this way is nothing short of a dereliction of duty and probably a whole lot worse than that.
These guys shouldn't have to wait years for their payments from the vaccine injury payments scheme,** and the government should never have given immunity from prosecution to those corrupt pharmaceutical companies.
[applause, cheers]
However, that immunity disappears if fraud has taken place.
And Naomi Wolf and her team have uncovered plenty of evidence of that found in the Pfizer data dumps.*** Yes, that data that they wanted to hide from us for 75 years. But word is getting out, the truth is coming out, and we will keep pushing. We will not stop until these guys get some sort of justice in the form of compensation and even acknowledgment that they exist, and that their issues are not just in the head, as one doctor said to a friend of mine. Absolutely disgusting.
So my message to doctors, nurses, and volunteers giving out these jabs, do you know what harm you've caused? These injections you're giving out, they don't stop you catching covid, they don't stop you passing it on, they don't stop you being hospitalized, either. And they don't even stop you dying. So what the hell does it do? I'll tell you what it does. It injures people and kills them on a scale we've never, ever seen before.
[applause, cheers]
So you people, before you turn up for your next to shift to start injecting people and collecting your money, look the vaccine injured in the eyes, and ask yourself, am I doing a good thing? Or have I just convinced myself that I'm doing a good thing. And if you listen to your gut instinct, it will tell you the truth.
My last message is to the government and the mainstream media. And let's be honest, they are as one these days. Rishi Sunak****
Yeah. Rishi, you said in an interview that I was your childhood hero and I gave you great memories when you came to the Dell* and watched me play football. Well I'm asking you for a favor now in return. Come and speak to me. Come and speak to me, and come and speak to the vaccine injured.
[applause, cheers]
Come and listen, come and listen to their stories and prove that you can be a leader for everyone, and not just for your overlords at the World Economic Forum.
[applause, cheers]
You need to start paying attention to the people you're meant to govern. You weren't even elected. You were manoeuvered politically into your position, so you need to do the right thing by these people that are here today. You can start by compensating them quickly, not them waiting years for their compensation. You can even use the money you could recoup from your mates who gave out those PPE contracts. I'm sure there'd be a few quid available there.
The corruption in your government is there for all to see. And I know that you're expecting civil unrest.
[inaudible] Brady let that cat out of the bag. But there's more than one way to win a war, and we're going to do it peacefully and we're going to do it organically. So Rishi Sunak, it's time to choose your side.
[applause, cheers]
And that just leaves the mainstream media.
People like the BBC.
Or as I prefer to call them, the PPC the Pedophile Protecting Corporation.
[applause, cheers]
They, they behind us there, over the last few years, have done more harm to people's health than any manmade virus could ever fu*king do.
[applause, cheers]
You're meant to hold government to account on behalf of we the people, but you've let us down badly. And the majority of people, I believe, now know this. They see you for what you are, a government propaganda arm. So Sky News, ITV, Channel 4, it's time to start acknowledging the people that you've ignored, the vaccine injured and the bereaved. They need your help and it's time for you also to choose your side.
Because we are the many and they are the few.
And we are coming for you.
Thank you very much.
#Â Â Â #Â Â Â #
* John Watt is a prominent Scottish activist for the vaccine injured. He was badly injured by his jab and, after an odyssey of gaslighting, diagnosed with myocarditis.
His Twitter is
The Truth Be Told Rally
** Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS)
*** For more about Naomi Wolf, founder and CEO of Daily Clout, an organization of volunteers, see
"Pfizer data dumps" refers to the Pfizer documents. To read the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by attorney Aaron Siri, and to read the documents themselves, see:
**** Rishi Sunak is prime minister of the UK.
* The Dell was the home of the Southampton (UK) Football Club (1898-2001). See