Are Extinction Rebellion Actually Malthusian Eco Fascists or Just Useful Idiots?
It’s often hard to determine the true nature of the Extinction Rebellion doomer hippies but I’m open to many simply being naive but well-intentioned friends of the Earth. Upon interrogation, they rarely seem to break character from their absolute dogmatic belief in man-made climate change and the anti-science ideology that CO 2 levels somehow drives global temperatures.
You would think people so heavily invested in a movement would investigate its origins and ‘The Science’ behind it. Their beliefs however appear to be constructed from reading BBC Bitesize, pictures of sad polar bears and the corporate press reporting on every instance of ‘weather’ as ‘proof’ of the apparent ‘climate crisis’.
The foundations of their belief are established by the doomsday predictions of wildly inaccurate corporately funded computer models. The climate computer models appear to be about as accurate as Neil Fergusson’s 13-year-old single file 15,000 line spaghetti code used to model the apparent ‘pandemic’. The smoke and mirrors within such modelling take an entirely unscientific approach where the modelling is in service of agendas and ideology rather than the other way around. The predatory oligarchy decides upon an agenda then manufacture the consent to bring it into being, even if this involves the complete bastardisation of the scientific method.
The not so covert Gaia worshipping death cult and its billion-dollar branding has subtly evolved over the years, first, it was ‘global warming’, then ‘global cooling’, recently they have been playing it safe with ‘climate change’ as change is always assured and therefore change itself is ‘proof’.
Ice core samples, investigating climate gate, finding a single scientific paper definitively proving that carbon dioxide drives global temperature or simply zooming out on a graph? Probably too much effort for Tarquin, Tamarin and Rupert.
Surely they have read the 1973 book ’The Limits of Growths’ published by The Club of Rome and are in agreement with the declaration within that “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man” and “Human beings as a species, have no more value than slugs.”
The austere scholars of the Extinction Rebellion movement who are dedicating their lives to the implementation of the totalitarian technocratic control grid for the supremacist eugenicist over class no doubt have read the 1991 follow up ’The First Global Revolution’. In the book, they admit to inventing the climate change agenda as a ‘common enemy’ in order to ‘unite’ mankind.
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.75)
Do they not realise that the goals of this apparent heroic grassroots movement line up perfectly with those of the G7, International Mega-Corporations, The World Economic Forum and the arch technocrat Bond villain billionaire Klaus Schwab?
This is like the Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor protesting that The Emperor doesn’t have a big enough Death Star. The cuddly crusaders would then advocate for higher taxes of their already impoverished fellow furry friends for him to construct an even more powerful planet-destroying super laser.
I guess even privileged middle-class people with an endless indulgent life of consumption need something to protest about. After all, if you have nothing to worry about for your entire life then you might as well become a willing foot soldier for the oligarchs. You are not a revolutionary if you are pushing against an open door.
As Ted Kaczynski said the systems ‘neatest trick’ is to take “rebellious impulses, which otherwise might have been dangerous to the System, are given an outlet that is not only harmless to the System, but useful to it.”
But little do these astroturfed willing dupes realise as they interpretive dance and parade in the streets with their catchy hashtags and quinoa salads that the real carbon they are advocating to reduce is themselves.