Common Knowledge Newsletter #61
Sonia Poulton - Madeleine McCann, David Icke, Covid-19 and more.
Saturday 15th June, 2pm. Common Knowledge is pleased to host the legendary investigative journalist and speaker of Truth to power - Sonia Poulton! Tickets here. (£11)
We all know Sonia from her long track record of work that shows she is prepared to follow the evidence where it leads and is not afraid to speak her conclusions. She was to be found daily on TNT radio but their refusal to explore all the issues thoroughly meant she is now broadcasting on her own with the freedom to question everything. (Sonia’s channel.)
Join us on a Saturday afternoon for a talk that will not be afraid to go as far as it takes to present Truth.
The Reko Ring is taking orders again. Support an organic, local farm. Build relationships. Fund a pro-human future.
We will be holding a community meeting that night. Doors open 7.30pm.
How To Order:
Free! 27th June, Edinburgh. Leah Gunn Barret: An American in Scotland: Independence, the Gun Lobby and Big Pharma. Tickets here.
A dual UK/US citizen, Leah has lived and worked in the UK and the US. She has an economics degree from Carleton College, and master’s degrees from Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University. An activist against the gun lobby she has now not only ‘crossed the aisle’ but has left the building, appalled at the Covid cover-up and the unethical practices of Big Pharma. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.
REKO RING ! We Are What Our Food Eats! Avoid the processed and pharmaceutical foods of the supermarket and help build-up local, healthy producers who sell direct.
To find out more, email:
We have now moved to a paid subscription model for the Common Knowledge Blog. Most of the posts will remain free, but we are hoping that people who share the values of a free, pro-human future will support us. All the money we receive goes to our campaign for that free, human future. You can contribute by a paid subscription to this substack of £10 a month or a £100 annual membership.
Follow us on X @wercomknowledge
Watch our previous meetings on YouTube - @CommonknowledgeEdinburgh
On Rumble - Common Knowledge Edinburgh
On Odysee - Common Knowledge Edinburgh