What has really happened to Humanity?
Martin Watt asks is there a hidden history and urges us to seize the opportunity to renew ourselves.
It was an amazing experience to look into the face of Mother Mary, in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, as painted by Reubens in 1630, and see her staring back, obviously distraught and bewildered, seeming to ask the question, do you not know who you have killed, who could do this? I was stunned how oil and canvas could hold and portray such perfect and moving clarity of deep emotion. Reubens was great but not unique, he was one of maybe thousands of great artists who have existed and produced wonders around the world, some of which is lost. A culture that can forge such lofty skill must logically have had commensurate industry, clothing, buildings, food, music, science and spirituality.
We are told that such paintings, great buildings and the fineries of life were luxuries of an elite wealthy few, made by very poor slaves, perhaps descendants of those who built the pyramids. Those fineries seem to have been actually commonplace, all over the world, with consistent exquisite quality, materials, craft and design, requiring dedicated, experienced, respected, appreciated and well paid workmanship, rather than vast masses of cruel indentured slavery populations production.
Is it possible what we are told about our history may not be entirely true and if so, how false might be our understanding of history and what are the implications of that?

I remember visiting the Loch Tay Crannog in Scotland, before it was burnt down and standing inside its splendour, admiring the ingenuity of its structure and detail from allegedly 2,500 years ago. Though the scene was not real and complete, or perhaps to the standard of the original, it was inspiring to contemplate the day to day culture and life such common buildings housed. Such a beautiful structure must surely have been born out of skills and appreciations that also supported lovely art, music, cooking, entertainment, education and spiritual perspectives. Suddenly our ancestors did not seem as crude as I had felt led to believe. This left a mark on me that unless I had misunderstood what I was told, history was speaking to me in some way and whispering it was not as we are told.
Many years later I visited the overgrown ruins of Milner Field House near Bingley in Yorkshire and marvelled at the splendour of such a Disneyland construction from 1872, fallen into unsafe disrepair by the 1950s, only 80 years later and then demolished.

There was an amateur archaeological team working in the ruins when I visited and I pondered with them the impossible build of such a house today. It turned out two elderly gentlemen were there, who were retired stone masons and I asked them how long it would take them to make some of the elaborate and perfect stone sections that we could see lying around. Even with today’s hardened chisels and power tools, in skilled hands would have apparently taken months to make a few such pieces. Looking at the scale and grandeur of this one building it would have taken an army of highly skilled designers, lifting equipment, transport, catering, builders, stonemasons, wood workers, glass makers, metal craftsmen, painters and sourcing infrastructure to bring in all that was needed to commission such a design, begin, finish and furnish to such perfection. It is hard to believe the image from 1920 is of a building only 50 years old and that all the buildings only took 2 years to build. In 1870 the population of the area was much less and mostly involved in textile or farming industries. There is a huge amount of the same quality buildings still visible today, in this area, along with a vast catalogue of similar or earlier era buildings long gone like Milner Field House. How on earth was Milner Field built in 2 years with old chisels, horses and carts and no power tools alongside thousands of other similarly beautiful buildings and structures in the local area alone, never mind nationwide? This does not seem at all feasible and really struck me at the time as a lie, leaving me wondering what the truth was.
We don’t and can’t build such complex fine structures today, not just because of cost but we don’t have the skills, industries and technology. The photographs from inside former Milner Field House show an exquisite life, culture and artistry being enjoyed in furniture, clothing, food, art and entertainment, surely born out of a longstanding culture and traditions older than perhaps 50 or 100 years. Is it possible this building like others was much older, commissioned and built much longer ago, in turn born out of an already mature culture older still than that? What happened to that culture of humanity and all its abilities and skills, that we do not have them today?

In other parts of the world we can see fabulous constructions like the Eglise Saint Augustin building in Paris, seen in this 1900 photograph as an already well weathered building, allegedly only finished 30 years earlier, built in only 11 years we are told. Along with thousands of other such buildings, built at the same time we are told, how was this done in 1860 with no power tools and old chisels? It may seem silly or bizarre to ask such outlandish questions, but many people are seemingly waking up to big and suspiciously difficult questions they have never pondered, leaving an uneasy feeling that we may not know our real history, with terrible potential implications of deliberate deception and betrayal of humanity.
It is said that history is written by the victors, which suggests the loser’s truth is lost or overwritten and destroyed. If we consider ancestors of the 1850s walked grounded on the earth with leather shoes, ate natural foods and water, were surrounded by natural materials, ate meals together and did not suffer electromagnetic fields upon them, they may have been averagely much stronger and healthier than us.
Today we are wrapped in plastics, increasingly separated from nature and all things natural, poisoned by food additives, chemtrails, vaccines and EMFs and fascinated by unreal pixels, versus the real material world. We are suffering seemingly normalised epidemics of diabetes, cancer, autism, infertility, dementia and gender dysphoria, to name but a few. We have gastric bands, lab grown meat, organ harvesting, plastic surgery, Botox treatments, steroids, endocrine disruptions, an Adrenochrome industry, various normalised former perversions, fluoridated water, glyphosate poisoning etc. This does not seem like progress and makes me wonder what has happened to humanity and who or what is to blame?
My gut does not resonate with the history we are handed to believe and I am left wondering who or what may have defeated our ancestors and written a false history to be imposed upon us. I am confused how a culture capable of building such advanced exquisite beauty could be lost entirely. If a culture seemingly much stronger healthier, advanced and more refined than us, can be swept away perhaps, without a trace, what hope is there for us?
If you look you can find people talking increasingly about a dark global reset agenda for a tyrannical new world order and population reduction versus a world-wide spiritual awakening to a bright future, full of revelations and a season of potential to flourish. Which will we have and might our ancestors of the 1850s and before have suffered a dark catastrophic reset? Many people suggest the enemies of humanity can be found today in NGOs, deep state agencies, old blood line crime families and secret societies. Leaders in these communities infiltrate, propagandise and convince humanity to trust and follow them, getting us involved in all their industries of our demise and forming the ranks of their army against our self.
The betrayed blood, bones, DNA, artefacts and ruins of our ancestors may be trying to speak to us in our time, though we may have lived before, to wake our intellect and rouse us to truth, to not fail or take any part in our own decadent demise as they perhaps did, in the reset of our time.
If there is in any way a cosmic seasonal occurrence for us to flourish in truth and freedom, let us try to not miss the opportunity. In any sick or weakened imbalanced state, we may not be able to take in any new light available to us, so our health, state of mind and being may be paramount. It feels as if humanity is much more capable than we have seen and has shown its potential before, but has been cleverly betrayed from within into ignorance, weakness, immorality and sickness, put at risk of missing a natural season of ascension perhaps enjoyed by previous world-wide civilisations we are not allowed to know of. We should perhaps be most wary of those who don’t like questions.
22nd February, The Scottish People’s Covid-19 Inquiry - Raising Awareness
The Scottish Covid Inquiry, the government one, has cost over £25 million pounds so far and will take five years or more to complete, and then report at least a year after that.
We will provide more truth in a day than this Inquiry will in five years for one-millionth of the price! (£25)
These are early bird tickets. Prices will rise in the new year.
So, if you wish to support getting to the bottom of Covid-19 and the government’s response, on top of hearing some of the scientists and specialists in the country who bravely resisted the tsunami of misinformation, and carved an alternative, truthful, narrative in the face of the media-industrial complex, then the ticket to do so is here.
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