Why Do We Have To Take A Side?
The tribalism from even sane voices of the Covid Years is insane.
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Covid was a period of near collective irrationality that should, if nothing else, have identified those who could manage their emotions well enough to allow a space for the voice of reason to speak and be heard. Recent global events have reversed this trend among many who were previously ‘sound’ (of mind).
The ability to have two differing, emotionally charged, thoughts in the head at the same time seems to be beyond most people. We seem to suffer more acutely as a species from a low emotional quotient (EQ as termed by Daniel Goleman) than we do from a low IQ as the German pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissenter Dietrich Bonhoeffer claimed - arguing the world had more to fear from stupid people than sadists, sociopaths and psychopaths.
It is quite possible to abhor the war in Ukraine, wish for peace, the preservation of Ukrainian lives and accept the legitimacy of the Ukrainian search for national independence and the crimes visited on its people in the past, while at the same time noting the fascistic sympathies of elements of its population, the fuelling and weaponising of these sentiments by the West leading to persecution of the minority Russian population, the anxiety of Russia concerning NATO expansion and the opportunities for peace spurned by the Ukrainian government. Justice may be difficult to excavate from such terrain, but it is far preferable to patiently scrape away the obscuring topsoil than to simplistically send in a digger and dredge up everything destroying any possibility of recovering artefacts of truth, fairness and grounds for acceptance, if not reconciliation.
The pictures of Palestinian children being pulled from piles of rubble that once were family homes, schools or even refuge centers are harrowing; so too the images of young Jewish party-goers being paraded through the streets, displayed as trophies to cheering militias, their bodies twisted and broken; scenes of savagery reminiscent of the brutal pillage and sacking of cities we read of in times of barbarism. It is quite possible to be disgusted and horrified by both. It is possible to acknowledge the oppression of the Palestinian people, their suffering, their trauma, the devaluing of their lives as human beings and the deprivation of their rights while at the same time recognising the dislocation of the Jewish people, their marginalisation, the discrimination they have suffered, the betrayals, the insecurity of their abode throughout the world and their scapegoating by governments over centuries from the Spanish Inquisition to the mass murder of the Hitler government, supported by states and people throughout Europe. Perhaps not only possible, but necessary, if we are to start to move forward in any meaningful way.
Both people deserve a homeland that can provide for them and protect them. Yet the cyclopic approach of those with a platform is actually not only delaying any possibility of peace in the conflict: it is damaging the Freedom Movement which represents the best hope for imposing a global peace throughout the world. Why? Because it brings the message of unredeemable government, extra-territorial institutional and what we may call ‘secret congress’ corruption which can only be redressed through complete transparency, decentralisation and the prioritising of a human future for everyone. Knowing the iniquity of the Israeli government over Covid, the manipulation of Israel by outside forces and deliberate security lapses on October the 7th what soldier would fight a war of aggression for it and how many would support it? Would Palestinians countenance and clandestinely assist an organisation determined to provoke repressive measures by a foe because it served the purposes of itself, powerful allied states that had received funds and continue to receive support from other supposed enemies and who, elements of whom at least, must have co-ordinated with their hated occupiers to perpetrate this tragedy.
The radical scepticism, questioning, reasoning and adherence to evidence instead of surrendering to vacuous proclamations, binary choices and fear shown by many during the Covid hoax has been replaced by a sudden embrace an all too familiar, and false, duality, were one sided is undiluted evil and the other is the distillation of purity. No, no, no - if anything is a lie in all these circumstances, it is this.
The other consequence of this emotional insensitivity is that it is allowing those who hold position in the global order from ministers of state to UN representative to war-wash their genocidal crimes against every single person on the planet. UN Secretary General Gutterres may be monstrous enough to support the injection of every child on the planet with an experimental vaccine, then stand back and watch what happens, but a few sympathetic words on Gaza endears him to billions; billions who should be demanding his trial. Suella Braverman is part of government that should be facing war crimes - having declared a class war on the UK population - yet call pro-Palestinian protest marches, unjustifiably, ‘hate marches’ and suddenly the Right, which took the strongest stance against Covid-Hoax measures, is co-opted as it mistakes a convenient political position by a politician as support for an associated viewpoint (also helped by sympathetic influencers doing the same) and suddenly another whose destiny should be a prison cell has colonised a political base, which, no doubt in time will be slowly sequestered and rendered toothless.
Thus unity in the freedom movement is quartered and quartered again by those using opinions as a way to hi-jack sympathetic groups while also deliberately inflaming a tribalism that is not pertinent to the main unifying issues; through framing contentious, deeply felt subjects that do not address the true threat confronting us and by encouraging us, assisted by a willingness of many pro-freedom supporters, to engage on one side or another, an action that will ensure greater suffering and catastrophe to come.
The People could end this conflict in a few days. A mass boycott of petrol would destroy the Arab and American economy as storage capacity would be exceeded in a few days. A coordinated boycott of Israeli products at the same time would bring Israel to the table. Of course, this is just wishful thinking since there is no unity to support these measures or leading voice that would articulate such actions. However, at the very least, the freedom movement and its member should, despite pressure, eschew to pick a side other than peace: immediate cessation of violence and the resumption of negotiations that intend to redress all injustices. No matter how long it takes.
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Its just an example of how emotions take over rational thought. Both sides are being used as the pendulum increases and feeds off conflict. Somewhere up there in the hierarchy there is a chess match going on. All casualties are just disposable pawns. We don't know the real motivations or complications at that higher level. But it just seems to be a pattern in human nature that plays out over and over.
Continued prayers