Excellent article. I recall those early days when so few were speaking out about the dominant covid narrative, and Twitter was one of the rare places where you could find sense - Neil Clark being one of those sources.
I really liked this point, something i have been banging on about in relation to the Scottish COVID inquiry testimonies. How the 'alt media' and 'freedom' advocates from 2020 have missed it and even now refuse to accept it's huge significance. Hence the msm blackout.
''Hardly anyone of prominence, even the ones who are now near-Deities of the New Alternative Media, broadcasting to huge audiences their scepticism and criticisms of everything global-corporate-government, said nothing for a long, long time''
Even Neil Clark hasn't noticed or like many COVID sceptics from 2020 just point blank refuses to comment on the relentless truthbombs that have emerged from Scotland. Home of the world's only official COVID inquiry to reveal what really happened during lockdown.
As for lockdown harms on chidren see below link. See other testimonies and spread the word.
Excellent article. I recall those early days when so few were speaking out about the dominant covid narrative, and Twitter was one of the rare places where you could find sense - Neil Clark being one of those sources.
Another great piece of journalism. I had not heard of Neil Clark; sorted now, thanks.
There are lots of different ways of being a good presenter, and you represent one of them.
I really liked this point, something i have been banging on about in relation to the Scottish COVID inquiry testimonies. How the 'alt media' and 'freedom' advocates from 2020 have missed it and even now refuse to accept it's huge significance. Hence the msm blackout.
''Hardly anyone of prominence, even the ones who are now near-Deities of the New Alternative Media, broadcasting to huge audiences their scepticism and criticisms of everything global-corporate-government, said nothing for a long, long time''
Even Neil Clark hasn't noticed or like many COVID sceptics from 2020 just point blank refuses to comment on the relentless truthbombs that have emerged from Scotland. Home of the world's only official COVID inquiry to reveal what really happened during lockdown.
As for lockdown harms on chidren see below link. See other testimonies and spread the word.