Wish I could have been there with you, as you say, the more that this cancelling issue is discussed the better in the long run. I do think that the tide is beginning to turn as most people are getting fed up with all that is going on.
I think it was an important event in that it got traction in the media and mostly showed support for Graham. Its not even about Graham it was a huge win in the sense that the media for once seemed to be against cancel culture. And the comments in all of the articles were the same. I can see the quandary of the venue and have some sympathy. I'm not sure if suing them is the right course of action. But we need venues to make a stand and the law to come down on the "activist" bullies. There needs to be a push towards changing the law or at least carrying out the law. Hate crime needs to work both ways or be removed.
Thank you for standing for free speech. It is so vitally important.
Wish I could have been there with you, as you say, the more that this cancelling issue is discussed the better in the long run. I do think that the tide is beginning to turn as most people are getting fed up with all that is going on.
I think it was an important event in that it got traction in the media and mostly showed support for Graham. Its not even about Graham it was a huge win in the sense that the media for once seemed to be against cancel culture. And the comments in all of the articles were the same. I can see the quandary of the venue and have some sympathy. I'm not sure if suing them is the right course of action. But we need venues to make a stand and the law to come down on the "activist" bullies. There needs to be a push towards changing the law or at least carrying out the law. Hate crime needs to work both ways or be removed.