This is by far the most outstanding and erudite essay I have read this year.

I will be delighted to share.

And by the way, my club is Rangers, and the fans at Ibrox are not fools either, and many of them also appreciate decent literary refences, albeit they might resonate more to Burns than to Blake.

Even though Glasgow was probably identical to London at the dying days of the Augustan Age, and the birth of the Industrial one. :

"William Blake - 1757-1827

I wander thro' each charter'd street,

Near where the charter'd Thames does flow,

And mark in every face I meet

Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every man,

In every Infant's cry of fear,

In every voice, in every ban,

The mind-forg'd manacles I hear.

How the Chimney-sweeper's cry

Every blackning Church appalls;

And the hapless Soldier's sigh

Runs in blood down Palace walls.

But most thro' midnight streets I hear

How the youthful Harlot's curse

Blasts the new-born Infant's tear,

And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse."!

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Thanks Rob, humbled by your compliment and thanks for the share. If we can establish ourselves in Edinburgh I'm sure we and others would like to do some events in Glasgow and leaflet outside Ibrox too. Hopefully, we can get in touch at some point?

It's a great poem - I often think about Glasgow's legacy in that area: people cleared from the land, moving there then the rapid rate industrialisation. 'History isn't history, it isn't even past.' (Can't remember who said it!)

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I was really hoping to attend your event the other night, but sadly I'm struggling with a nasty and persistent bug at the moment (? isn't everyone)? so I felt unable to participate meaningfully and ducked out at the last minute. Our chance will come: it will be great to meet. We can chat about poetry all night:

"April is the cruellest month" might be a decent start, given the appalling news from the ONS that death rates in the last week of March in England and Wales are 20.9% above the five year norm.

In all of my professional life in public health, this is totally unprecedented - who knows what will happen next?

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Yes, would be very keen to meet you and have a chat :)

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My wife worked at Rangers for over twenty years, so we are part of the family really: and whatever nonsense is said about football, all I have personally encountered on the terraces is genuine warmth and friendship. There are a few hotheads and bigots in any gathering, my policy is to ignore them completely and enjoy the game.

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Yes, I've always had good experiences a football matches but only go to one about every five or ten years! The politeness of the fans was striking.

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I agree. I have often been with my neighbour, who is a black African, and everyone at Ibrox treats him with respect - if anything I think they are rather proud to be inclusive: "A mans a Man for a' that'. There is no place for racism , sexism or homophobia on the terraces but we do seem to have a die hard noisy Orange Sectarian minority, and I would love to chuck them out of the park.

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What great work your group achieved. I would be willing to stick “masks do not work” notices on every public bench, lightpole, public bathroom door to get the word out on masks. Same for covid vaxxes....they are ineffective and unsafe. Children should not receive them etc etc etc. we have so much work still to do. I am grateful for all those who have not given in yet and continue to spread the word on the hoax that has taken place over the past three years🥰

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Hi Mary, get in touch and we'll work together :)

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I am very heartened to hear about your passing out leaflets. There is great power in getting out, off the screens and into the real world with communication on paper. My own endeavor has been to make transcripts of censored and shadow-banned video. Here's one for you:

Matt LeTissier @mattletiss7

January 10, 2023



MATT LE TISSIER: Over the last few years I've been asked many questions to which I'm going to answer some now. So prior to three years ago, you knew me as an ex-footballer and then a pundit for many years. I loved my work and, arrogant though it may sound, I thought I was pretty good at it. And I'll continue to do the football punditry for as long as the work comes in for the selected companies.

However, what I've done over the past couple of years I feel is so important, to bring awareness and a voice to those who can't or don't have the same platform to speak up. The atrocities committed by our government over the last couple of years have been devastating to so many. The effect of lockdowns on ourselves and our children will continue to be seen for many years to come. So when I'm told, stick to football, I'm sorry, but I like to sleep soundly at night and so I'll continue to be a voice for many.

In April last year I started doing weekly interviews on a social media platform called Gettr*. They were one of the very few that didn't censor the information that was out there, and over the last 9 months I've had on guests such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Thomas Binder, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Ivor Cummins, and many, many more. And a lot of these guests have rightfully been reinstated on Twitter.

Now "The Flip Side," which is my show on Gettr, airs every Monday night at 8 o'clock. But I may decide to place those on other channels too in the future. So when I'm asked what I'm doing now, I tell them, the most important work I'm doing is this and I love it. I also do a bit of punditry and appear on GB News most Monday nights, as well as after dinner speaking up and down the country. My agency mail is in the bio for all inquiries.

And for those of you that have supported for the past couple of years, I just wanted to send my heartfelt thanks. It's not been an easy journey, but it is one that's brought me a lot of strength. And I know, along with others, I will be on the right side of history. So thanks for listening and please repost if you like.



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Matt Le Tissier on Gettr: The Flip Side https://gettr.com/user/mattletiss7

His podcast the Flip Side can be found at: https://gettr.com/streaming/p1qetocda13

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Great work. Indeed, if only the masses knew! I’m from across the channel but everyone awake an speaking out warms my soul. I’m in desert land in my little village.

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