Excellent . And gets even better as it goes along, if I may say so.
In discussion today, I asked a woman I met----does she research when buying a house?, does she research when buying a car?, does she research when going on holiday? She answered yes to all three. So I said, so you research these issues, but when something allegedly threatens the life of you and your family-you pass the responsibility to someone else.!! I too said the evidence was there from May 2020 for those that looked (if you needed evidence and didn't just feel intuitively it was wrong.
I will cross post your post once my one today has run its course. No holiday was worth it.
Thanks Hugh! I think, although it seems harsh, we have to stick to that line, otherwise unless those fooled undergo the confrontation with truth and why they rushed to such a reckless decision, they'll rush into the next one and the next one.
Along the lines with your excellent train of thought, I am willing to bet good money that people do more research when they are looking for a muffler than they did when considering the vaccine. Hell, we ask our plumber to explain details, yet (most people) would take a doctor's word without a second thought!
Many people likely do more research deciding what television show or movie they want to watch or where they want have dinner. Oh well, as the saying goes, fuck around and find out.
The Diamond Princess did it for me. Plus drs Tess Laurie and Mike Yeadon. Plus looking around and not seeing dead bodies lining the streets nor covid patients in the wards.
I can forgive those who were deceived as they were desperate for life to return to normal as was promised. But NO amnesty for the liars in power who knew or should have known the dangers of forcing this crap on everyone with no exemptions or alternative treatments allowed, while censoring any expert second opinions.
Yes, and that, for me, is something that's very hard to forgive. It's one thing to willfully choose ignorance, but then to push that ignorance on others is incredibly immoral.
It comes down to personal responsibility for me. There were so many red flags to this, right at the beginning, but so few were prepared to listen. I tried to warn friends, family, and was so often ridiculed, but it only made me dig deeper. Massively affected my mental health that I had to step back from it for a while. So many of the online truth tellers kept me sane, and I will always be thankful to them. But there has to be a reckoning, and each has to play their part.
Never let them damage your sense of mental balance. YOU had it correct. Now, learn from your success and learn how never to let again your emotional fortress be even partially surmounted no matter what they do. They will destroy themselves.
Yes. There are two groups of defeated. Those who comply, and those who are psychologically overwhelmed by their resistance. Avoiding the first is perhaps easier than avoiding the latter. But, avoidance of both is the only victory.
It is, in the end, it is men who are going to have to get very angry and who then channel that anger into sound and effective--lawful--intellectual, philosophical, psychological, social, political, institutional and religious action.
It is a big job. How can anyone have time for childish video games and other silly, neutralizing distractions?
Apart from a few isolated examples, a famous person here or there, I haven't seen any real acknowledgement that what's been done was even wrong, let alone heard an apology. In fact we've had "requests" for forgiveness or "anmesty" without being told what they think they deserve forgiveness for. So no, no forgiveness, no anmesty, first they should try to put right what's been done wrong and only then can we see where we can move forward. But we will never forget
Had a good chuckle listening to the All-In-Podcast (4 billionaires with varying political views from far left to right) debating various issues late last week about the vaccine. In 2020 the far left guy attacked those refusing the vax in a tweet. Spoiler alert - All 4 now admit that the vaccine was failure and declared they would never take another booster or covid vaccine.
Perhaps more interesting, they all agreed that the aggressive and coercive tactics including blatant censorship have had the effect of turning the public off the BS vaccine "narrative" and made anyone with any sense highly suspicious of all vaccines and public agencies going forward! I would tend to agree judging from the shifting sentiment happening now.
And talking about censorship, Dr Joe Mercola has been labeled as leading
"misinformation" purveyor!
Here is a very revealing account of what he's encountered since 2020 that is well worth the read...
I'd bet Steve Kirsch's money that most of the vaxxed would vax again with a Trumped up new variant and a rebranded "newer and safer and effectiver" vax. I think most of the vaxxed learned zero things and are already moving on in thought and deed. The same lack of critical thinking skills, intuition, etc. that got them vaxxed the first 5 times have not been sharpened. This goes beyond tribalism, it's endemic in a nation of hypochondriacs.
Hi, My husband and I chose not to take the jab because he had a reaction to the swine flu ten years earlier. We we clued in. I have had many conversations with people who took the vaccine and I agree it was so much easier just to go with the flow and take it. We felt ostracised and othered by our choice and there was much angst in the conversations we had with people. I however feel you are a little tough on those who made this choice. With hindsight it all feels much clearer that it was then. We are retired so job security was not an issue for us, we were healthy and into alternative health,.... It was an unpleasant time as we were not welcome at some family gatherings, no options for holidays abroad, no longer welcome for a cuppa with neighbours. My heart does go out to the injured and bereaved, I don't think it was quite as easy to be clued in as you indicate. What I do so appreciate is the awakening to the manipulation and downright dishonesty of politicians, policy advisors, ....... There are so many more of us aware and not to taking anything at face value. I just wish the learning and longterm impact of on those harmed by the injections was not so profound and life changing.
Great comment. It seemed that the people promoting the vaccine allowed so many opportunities to wake-up, question and see the contradictions, it seem unfathomable that anyone could still take the vaccine - to me.
A lot were forced to get it to keep their jobs, a lot were afraid, a lot believed whatever was put to them on TV and chose to vilify those who did not take it. They would happily have put the unvaxxed in detention camps. The brutality of the state against protesters here in Victoria, Australia was shocking.
Don't forget in Canada and I'm sure else where there are huge tent camps unused but still there. Trudeau would have had many of us in them already if could have. That would be the last place anyone put there would ever see unless fully jabbed.
Yes, Daniel Andrews was building a camp at Mickleham, North Melbourne and there were camps in the Northern Territory. Now Ardern's been pushed out in New Zealand, let's hope Andrews and Trudeau are next. I still can't believe he froze the bank accounts of the truckers. It's unbelievable in a Democracy. Solidarity, Dennis.
I love being "othered" by idiots herded by fear based mind control. It's amusing watching people lose their mind in real time feeling compelled to get me to join their herd of the fear based mind numbed morons. I told people I worked for GSK when it knowingly criminally killed 400,000 people with Avandia that I would NEVER take a bioweapon developed in months. When I learned it was mRNA I told them it was NOT A VAX but gene therapy which is way more dangerous, and not demonstrated to work. They ignored me. Fuck around and find out as the saying goes. A number of them all just got COVID19, as did I. They were sicker longer, and some have lingering symptoms. I was fine in 5 days, and basically over it by day 3.
It was trivial to be clued in almost fully by April, 2020. Prof. Boyle of University of Illinois at Urbana, the most highly regarded bioweapons expert in the country, stated in March of 2020 that he was almost certain COVID19 escaped or was released by the Level 4 bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Then by April there were numerous physicians discussing good treatment options like HCQ versus the sedate, incubate, and murder protocol that the CARES Act, passed in March, 2020 but written over A FULL YEAR IN ADVANCE, was paying hospitals big money to use. By July there were numerous people warning others not to take some rushed "vaccine" as this whole operation was a fear based mind control op similar to the "table top exercise" that had just been run months before hand. There was so much good info so easily obtainable on the web that only those forced by employers, those dumb enough to trust our long criminal governments, or those easily herded by fear based mind control would take it. It's been an eye opener.
I would have first requested a religious exemption, and if denied I would have replied with a shit ton of reasons, all based on science, and the law, about why I was refusing the eugenics bioweaoon, so that if terminated, which is easy to do for all "at will" employees, I would have filed a pro se case.
I’m in holland, pressure and coercion but no mandates, yet. Our legal system is code-based, whereas the us is case-law based. So if third reich style laws are adopted by the witch hunters, judges will assess your case based on the law. You are better off in the u.s.
Judges ignore case law all the time in the U.S. Our legal system is quite corrupt although not beyond reform as our legislative, and executive branches are quickly becoming. The administrative apparatus in the U.S. is completely criminal, and captured by thugs. Our Department of Jistice, our military, and our Fascist "intelligence" apparatus are outright hard core criminal organizations that need to be entirely dismantled, much ofnit eliminated, and reconstituted as legitimate, much more limited functions.
Honestly, IDK. Very early on when family & friends were taking it so they could travel or do other superficial things when there were zero trials for short or long term affects, I thought they were all nuts. Employment mandates were somewhat different for loss of livelihood & for THAT I blame doctors in general for not speaking out against the insanity & I blame lawyers for not immediately filing massive class action suits to stop that illegal & unconstitutional crap. A “mandate” or “executive order” from that demented clown in the WH or any other state “leader” was NEVER “law”; prior to 2020 I believe CDC recommendations were mere guidelines & not law either. In all cases, ESP for emergency use authorization only for experimental toxcinnes, they STILL are not legally approved
I think there are two really important points in this comment (amongst the ones that are only important): mandates aren't law - anyone can mandate - AND, where were the doctors? It went against both practice and principles to administer these jabs. Why did they not speak out?
People are still railing against those who speak out about harms or lack of efficacy. They want PROOF! Why don’t they cry out for proof of safety and efficacy instead? It’s all backwards... the onus is on the new product to prove it’s safe, not the user to prove it’s not.
just like the fact that (in the US at least) the onus is on the authorities to prove that an imposition on my constitutional rights is absolutely necessary (and as narrowly tailored as possible), not on me to prove otherwise.
I was pro vaccine at the start, before it was available. I thought it was going to be the best thing since sliced bread and I was ready to get in line to get it. I was convinced, I didn't need any more convincing. But then they kept talking, like a used car salesman that doesn't get that you are ready to hand over the money. And they weren't just dishonest, they were flat out lying.
The moment I became unconvinced was when fraudci said, "The immunity provided by vaccination is superior to the immunity provided by infection". In what world could that possibly be true because it wasn't this one. There has never been a vaccine that works better than natural immunity, NEVER. Some of them are highly effective, but not a one of them is better than natural immunity. What makes vaccines preferable to natural immunity isn't that they work better, it is that the virus they work to prevent has the very real possibility of killing you.
Smallpox had a 30% chance of killing you if you became infected so even a vaccine that gave protection to 90% of those who received it and had very low side effects was a no brainer and it allowed the virtual extinction of the virus. But that isn't the covid virus or the vaccine. It didn't kill 30%, it didn't even kill 0.3% so the idea of the vaccine giving better immunity than the virus was ridiculous.
Yet, there was the constant hard sell. To protect you, to protect grandma. Sounded a bit to much like the used car salesman saying the '74 Pinto was a great car and would protect grandma just fine as long as you didn't put her in the back seat and didn't drive in front of anyone.
"Becoming vaccinated was the easy choice, not the hard one. There was never any evidence it was the sensible choice and it could be argued - and this may seem harsh - that if you were determined to be part of the group, willfully and determinedly deaf to any counter-argument or even call for caution, absolutist in your own belief in your virtue and knowledge, irrationally frightened of death, unthinking, superficial and glib, fearful of other people’s opinion of you, filled with desire/fear to comply with the powerful for safety or favour, then becoming vaccinated was the only choice. But these are not exactly admirable qualities."
Simply outstanding! Logical. Flat. Factual. And should be damning for those who fell into the trap. (They won't get it, but I can hope!)
My wife and I were aware of the WEF agenda of depopulation long before the so-called pandemic. We knew of the pedophiles running the world, the Queens family's immoral acts though out the ages and other so-called royalty. We knew of the human trafficking of women and children and fact the governments knew about it and they know who is behind it as some of them are working with these criminals. We knew about the lie of so-called vaccines as I ended up with MS after having flu shots two years in a row fifteen or so years ago, she is deaf in one ear and we believe it was from the flu shots and a H1N1 shot. So we did not need any convincing that the experemental gene jab was dangerous especially because of the time frame in which it was developed and the fact that they had to use a emergency narrative to force it on the people. We tried to warn our family's to no avail. We have lost two family members to the jabs so far, know two men who got strokes after the second Moderna shot and are permanently crippled, one niece ended up with seizures so bad they put her into induced coma and now is recovering, she is not fully back to normal. While in hospital I met a man fully jabbed who nearly died even though he was fully jabbed. Because their is so much corruption in most if not all governments through out the world how can anyone trust any thing they say. There are so many people who seem blind even when the government policies do more harm than good through out most of their terms or do nothing other than enrich themselves and to steal tax money for the government to play with by incompetent politicians, they still trust them. I met my wife twenty years ago and woke her up to the fact of corruption in government, the medical system, how doctors today are big pharma drug pushers and the food industry is controlled by big tech and the afore mentioned industries. Because she is the type not to just take anyone's word for something she began to investigate the situation of world corruption and found things out I did not know such as how evil people used babies' from the time of the Egyptian Rulers when they were told the blood of children will heal you, and what they did with them after they were done with them and they still do this today, made me sick. She went down the rabbit hole and is now fully awake. Still with what we know we could not get many to see the truth and now are praying we don't lose our children to the evil in control as they fell for the fear or were forced by their employers to get the experimental gene jab, they could not believe anyone could be that evil. My son told me he would never buy into that idea. So-called vaccines are the reason his daughter is autistic. We pray there will be full exposure soon and the people responsible for this insanity are put behind bars or executed if the state they are in still have the death sentence. Also people must stop calling the experemental gene therapy a vaccine call it what it is, I have been trying to get those I know to understand that fact. It never was a vaccine and in the near future the truth about so-called vaccines will be exposed as well. This is nothing more than a way evil, murdering, greedy people with no human feeling or decency came up with to make mountains of money. The truth must be exposed.
After Murderna killed my mom, I was terrified of my husband getting jab’d. He finally caved in to pressure at his job, against my wishes. I would have preferred that he quit and I told him so. I struggle with the belief that he did in fact have the right to make his own choice, but his choice did have a direct negative impact on me. We haven’t been the same since. I am an unjab’d outcast in a big blue city, dealing with that on my own now. I am disappointed that he did something he really didn’t want to do. I’ve lost respect for him, and I feel alone. I don’t know how to fix it. I have no confidence that things will go better NEXT TIME. I am terrified of next time.
It's so hard 'losing' what you thought people were to what they are when the pressure is increased. Independent-minded friends and family (I thought), just buckled when the powerful snapped their fingers. So sad.
My other half did too, Aimee, but she never disparaged me or my position and has since accepted that she was wrong. Build a bridge for your guy to do the same. (And btw, you're not the only one that's "an unjab’d outcast in a big blue city"! ;-)
Thank you, thank you! Especially for this: "People can rightly claim, ‘I was lied to’, but even from the very beginning there was enough information available and obvious aspects of personal experience for people to question what they were being told."
This is what drove me crazy right from the beginning--the lunatic willingness to ignore all the blindingly obvious evidence that faced everyone, every day. It's as if they considered the hysterical nonsense on the TV as reality and the real world, not to mention simple reason and logic, pure illusion and fiction. Even when forced to admit that they knew no one who even got seriously ill, much less died, from this magical "virus", they still considered denying the science showing the uselessness of masks, accepting the unscientific idiocy of distancing, and the willingness to have injected into themselves a barely tested, experimental substance, with unknown ingredients that promised to turn them into a factory to produce a possibly endless supply of what was understood to be the most toxic part of the so-called "virus" a hill worth dying on (quite literally in the case of my brother).
I never realized before 2020 how utterly enraging stubborn stupidity and willful blindness could be.
Honestly, what did we expect? These are scenarios and lessons from the schoolyard. The bully gets away with it, but when the bully falls, none of the toadies or enablers admit complicity or responsibility. They are the way they are because they wanted to be on the winning side. If their chosen side is no longer the winning side, they will not align with the loser, but instead with the winner. The most honest will admit that they were afraid of the consequences of going up against the bully. But the rest? Toadying and turning a blind eye, going along to get along... that's their NATURE.
Very well written!!! I agree so much with your sentiment. It's not about victim blaming, but looking deeper into what motivates our choices and behavior.
My husband and I knew something was "off" from the early days of COVID. As our hospital closed to anything elective and clinics shut down, we were both sitting at home, out of work, while no rush of patients materialized. We lost almost half of our income in 2020 due to state policies that were never justified. (And I consider us lucky! So many lost EVERYTHING. The financial harm is yet another tragedy from this.) Our children suffered greatly from state and county policies, even though pediatric hospitalizations remained exceedingly low.
By the time the vaccine rolled out, any faith we had in "the system" was gone. As a pediatrician who had believed in all the letter agencies, (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.), I now found myself skeptical of every guideline.
It didn't take long to see very worrisome adverse effects of the vaccines. I checked VAERS every night. I was alarmed that NO ONE was discussing what I was reading. My colleagues all wrote it off as "no evidence of causation."
Choosing not to get vaxxed cost me my practice and so many relationships--personal and professional. My husband and I were hit with tremendous vitriol, and some hurtful statements, ("you deserve to die if you get Covid"), can never be forgotten.
The irony, of course, is that I'm starting to get the quiet acknowledgments that perhaps we were right. The path forward isn't easy. Sometimes I just want to forgive and pretend it didn't happen. Other days, I'm so angry, and vow to fight tyranny with everything I have. I suspect the right approach is a little of both? Forgive people, not the government? Fight institutions, while aligning with like-minded people in your personal life. Always pursue truth, wherever that leads.
I'll never forget the anger I encountered in 2021 from those who did follow health advice and got jabbed upon learning I wasn't jabbed. I asked them all one simple question that shut them right up. "Do you have any idea what these genetic "vaccines" do to your immune system?" (Cue bewildered looks.)
By mid 2021 we knew that the vaccines were negatively impacting the innate immune systems as we saw rising breakthrough cases of vaccinated getting covid. It could only mean one thing - that first line immune defenders like NK (natural killer) and M1 macrophages that kill unknown pathogens were being disabled. We also knew based on IgG antibodies in the vaccine (in muscle tissue and blood post jab) did little to stop viral infections in the airways which is accomplished by IgA antibodies in mucusal membranes produced by your immune system.
We have recently learned since that the more times you get jabbed, the higher the IgG4/IgG1 ratio which is not good and increases the chances of getting cancer and a host of other diseases.
Here is just one paper on the subject...
"This paper reveals that not only is there a link between tumor progression and the presence of IgG4 due to class switching, but that this link might even be necessary for tumor promotion and progression."
“Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew. But I never took it. You know why? Because it was too damn hard."
Lt Col Frank Slade (Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman
There's a great bit of research Al Pacino did for 'Scerpico' that speaks to those that resisted the pressure to be jabbed.
The real life Scerpico told him that if he'd given in then he could never have listened to Beethoven or looked at great painting again because he knew he would have betrayed himself.
The BBC gave a running tally of Covid deaths. Criteria? Anyone dying who tested positive for Covid in the preceding 28 days writ large on the 'score board'.
The ludicrously wide net this cast should have alerted even the most dull witted.
Excellent . And gets even better as it goes along, if I may say so.
In discussion today, I asked a woman I met----does she research when buying a house?, does she research when buying a car?, does she research when going on holiday? She answered yes to all three. So I said, so you research these issues, but when something allegedly threatens the life of you and your family-you pass the responsibility to someone else.!! I too said the evidence was there from May 2020 for those that looked (if you needed evidence and didn't just feel intuitively it was wrong.
I will cross post your post once my one today has run its course. No holiday was worth it.
Thanks Hugh! I think, although it seems harsh, we have to stick to that line, otherwise unless those fooled undergo the confrontation with truth and why they rushed to such a reckless decision, they'll rush into the next one and the next one.
Along the lines with your excellent train of thought, I am willing to bet good money that people do more research when they are looking for a muffler than they did when considering the vaccine. Hell, we ask our plumber to explain details, yet (most people) would take a doctor's word without a second thought!
Many people likely do more research deciding what television show or movie they want to watch or where they want have dinner. Oh well, as the saying goes, fuck around and find out.
Thank you Hugh! And I thought I was losing my mind...NOT!
I think I’m having a very hard time with dealing with these types of people. I think that ship has sailed.
If people are this ignorant with their own bodies (and others bodies), what else are they ignorant with? I can’t trust these people.
The Diamond Princess did it for me. Plus drs Tess Laurie and Mike Yeadon. Plus looking around and not seeing dead bodies lining the streets nor covid patients in the wards.
Much agreed.
Everyone was lied to, but not everyone was deceived.
I'll be quoting that to friends!
DK Flynn, great line!
I can forgive those who were deceived as they were desperate for life to return to normal as was promised. But NO amnesty for the liars in power who knew or should have known the dangers of forcing this crap on everyone with no exemptions or alternative treatments allowed, while censoring any expert second opinions.
I was desperate for life to return to normal too, but never enough to submit to the loss of bodily autonomy & the right to say no
And that's the scary part, they submitted and they DEMANDED that you submit as well. Never forget that. The pumped is primed for very bad things.
Yes, and that, for me, is something that's very hard to forgive. It's one thing to willfully choose ignorance, but then to push that ignorance on others is incredibly immoral.
And just think if every one of those people did not comply.
We lost our jobs.
And now they want to pretend like it’s all good.
No...I don’t think so!
This is the very antithesis of the article.
Perfectly said!
It comes down to personal responsibility for me. There were so many red flags to this, right at the beginning, but so few were prepared to listen. I tried to warn friends, family, and was so often ridiculed, but it only made me dig deeper. Massively affected my mental health that I had to step back from it for a while. So many of the online truth tellers kept me sane, and I will always be thankful to them. But there has to be a reckoning, and each has to play their part.
Yes, personal responsibility is key. Being responsible is more than doing what you're told to do competently.
Never let them damage your sense of mental balance. YOU had it correct. Now, learn from your success and learn how never to let again your emotional fortress be even partially surmounted no matter what they do. They will destroy themselves.
Yes. There are two groups of defeated. Those who comply, and those who are psychologically overwhelmed by their resistance. Avoiding the first is perhaps easier than avoiding the latter. But, avoidance of both is the only victory.
Beautiful summation.
It is, in the end, it is men who are going to have to get very angry and who then channel that anger into sound and effective--lawful--intellectual, philosophical, psychological, social, political, institutional and religious action.
It is a big job. How can anyone have time for childish video games and other silly, neutralizing distractions?
Apart from a few isolated examples, a famous person here or there, I haven't seen any real acknowledgement that what's been done was even wrong, let alone heard an apology. In fact we've had "requests" for forgiveness or "anmesty" without being told what they think they deserve forgiveness for. So no, no forgiveness, no anmesty, first they should try to put right what's been done wrong and only then can we see where we can move forward. But we will never forget
Had a good chuckle listening to the All-In-Podcast (4 billionaires with varying political views from far left to right) debating various issues late last week about the vaccine. In 2020 the far left guy attacked those refusing the vax in a tweet. Spoiler alert - All 4 now admit that the vaccine was failure and declared they would never take another booster or covid vaccine.
Perhaps more interesting, they all agreed that the aggressive and coercive tactics including blatant censorship have had the effect of turning the public off the BS vaccine "narrative" and made anyone with any sense highly suspicious of all vaccines and public agencies going forward! I would tend to agree judging from the shifting sentiment happening now.
And talking about censorship, Dr Joe Mercola has been labeled as leading
"misinformation" purveyor!
Here is a very revealing account of what he's encountered since 2020 that is well worth the read...
I'd bet Steve Kirsch's money that most of the vaxxed would vax again with a Trumped up new variant and a rebranded "newer and safer and effectiver" vax. I think most of the vaxxed learned zero things and are already moving on in thought and deed. The same lack of critical thinking skills, intuition, etc. that got them vaxxed the first 5 times have not been sharpened. This goes beyond tribalism, it's endemic in a nation of hypochondriacs.
It seems that some of the vaxxed actually need to believe in Authority to an extent that can only be described as 'pathological'.
Hi, My husband and I chose not to take the jab because he had a reaction to the swine flu ten years earlier. We we clued in. I have had many conversations with people who took the vaccine and I agree it was so much easier just to go with the flow and take it. We felt ostracised and othered by our choice and there was much angst in the conversations we had with people. I however feel you are a little tough on those who made this choice. With hindsight it all feels much clearer that it was then. We are retired so job security was not an issue for us, we were healthy and into alternative health,.... It was an unpleasant time as we were not welcome at some family gatherings, no options for holidays abroad, no longer welcome for a cuppa with neighbours. My heart does go out to the injured and bereaved, I don't think it was quite as easy to be clued in as you indicate. What I do so appreciate is the awakening to the manipulation and downright dishonesty of politicians, policy advisors, ....... There are so many more of us aware and not to taking anything at face value. I just wish the learning and longterm impact of on those harmed by the injections was not so profound and life changing.
Great comment. It seemed that the people promoting the vaccine allowed so many opportunities to wake-up, question and see the contradictions, it seem unfathomable that anyone could still take the vaccine - to me.
Yes totally agree 👍
A lot were forced to get it to keep their jobs, a lot were afraid, a lot believed whatever was put to them on TV and chose to vilify those who did not take it. They would happily have put the unvaxxed in detention camps. The brutality of the state against protesters here in Victoria, Australia was shocking.
Don't forget in Canada and I'm sure else where there are huge tent camps unused but still there. Trudeau would have had many of us in them already if could have. That would be the last place anyone put there would ever see unless fully jabbed.
Yes, Daniel Andrews was building a camp at Mickleham, North Melbourne and there were camps in the Northern Territory. Now Ardern's been pushed out in New Zealand, let's hope Andrews and Trudeau are next. I still can't believe he froze the bank accounts of the truckers. It's unbelievable in a Democracy. Solidarity, Dennis.
New Zealand, Canada and Australia looked as if they were completely lost to the most extreme plans of the NWO.
You make some valid points.
I love being "othered" by idiots herded by fear based mind control. It's amusing watching people lose their mind in real time feeling compelled to get me to join their herd of the fear based mind numbed morons. I told people I worked for GSK when it knowingly criminally killed 400,000 people with Avandia that I would NEVER take a bioweapon developed in months. When I learned it was mRNA I told them it was NOT A VAX but gene therapy which is way more dangerous, and not demonstrated to work. They ignored me. Fuck around and find out as the saying goes. A number of them all just got COVID19, as did I. They were sicker longer, and some have lingering symptoms. I was fine in 5 days, and basically over it by day 3.
It was trivial to be clued in almost fully by April, 2020. Prof. Boyle of University of Illinois at Urbana, the most highly regarded bioweapons expert in the country, stated in March of 2020 that he was almost certain COVID19 escaped or was released by the Level 4 bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Then by April there were numerous physicians discussing good treatment options like HCQ versus the sedate, incubate, and murder protocol that the CARES Act, passed in March, 2020 but written over A FULL YEAR IN ADVANCE, was paying hospitals big money to use. By July there were numerous people warning others not to take some rushed "vaccine" as this whole operation was a fear based mind control op similar to the "table top exercise" that had just been run months before hand. There was so much good info so easily obtainable on the web that only those forced by employers, those dumb enough to trust our long criminal governments, or those easily herded by fear based mind control would take it. It's been an eye opener.
I would have quit my job over this. It wouldn’t even have been a choice. You are so right, it was there in plain view!
I would have first requested a religious exemption, and if denied I would have replied with a shit ton of reasons, all based on science, and the law, about why I was refusing the eugenics bioweaoon, so that if terminated, which is easy to do for all "at will" employees, I would have filed a pro se case.
I’m in holland, pressure and coercion but no mandates, yet. Our legal system is code-based, whereas the us is case-law based. So if third reich style laws are adopted by the witch hunters, judges will assess your case based on the law. You are better off in the u.s.
Judges ignore case law all the time in the U.S. Our legal system is quite corrupt although not beyond reform as our legislative, and executive branches are quickly becoming. The administrative apparatus in the U.S. is completely criminal, and captured by thugs. Our Department of Jistice, our military, and our Fascist "intelligence" apparatus are outright hard core criminal organizations that need to be entirely dismantled, much ofnit eliminated, and reconstituted as legitimate, much more limited functions.
Honestly, IDK. Very early on when family & friends were taking it so they could travel or do other superficial things when there were zero trials for short or long term affects, I thought they were all nuts. Employment mandates were somewhat different for loss of livelihood & for THAT I blame doctors in general for not speaking out against the insanity & I blame lawyers for not immediately filing massive class action suits to stop that illegal & unconstitutional crap. A “mandate” or “executive order” from that demented clown in the WH or any other state “leader” was NEVER “law”; prior to 2020 I believe CDC recommendations were mere guidelines & not law either. In all cases, ESP for emergency use authorization only for experimental toxcinnes, they STILL are not legally approved
I think there are two really important points in this comment (amongst the ones that are only important): mandates aren't law - anyone can mandate - AND, where were the doctors? It went against both practice and principles to administer these jabs. Why did they not speak out?
People are still railing against those who speak out about harms or lack of efficacy. They want PROOF! Why don’t they cry out for proof of safety and efficacy instead? It’s all backwards... the onus is on the new product to prove it’s safe, not the user to prove it’s not.
How many times did you hear 'Are you an expert?' The response - 'No, do you have to be to want to see some proof it works?'
just like the fact that (in the US at least) the onus is on the authorities to prove that an imposition on my constitutional rights is absolutely necessary (and as narrowly tailored as possible), not on me to prove otherwise.
I was pro vaccine at the start, before it was available. I thought it was going to be the best thing since sliced bread and I was ready to get in line to get it. I was convinced, I didn't need any more convincing. But then they kept talking, like a used car salesman that doesn't get that you are ready to hand over the money. And they weren't just dishonest, they were flat out lying.
The moment I became unconvinced was when fraudci said, "The immunity provided by vaccination is superior to the immunity provided by infection". In what world could that possibly be true because it wasn't this one. There has never been a vaccine that works better than natural immunity, NEVER. Some of them are highly effective, but not a one of them is better than natural immunity. What makes vaccines preferable to natural immunity isn't that they work better, it is that the virus they work to prevent has the very real possibility of killing you.
Smallpox had a 30% chance of killing you if you became infected so even a vaccine that gave protection to 90% of those who received it and had very low side effects was a no brainer and it allowed the virtual extinction of the virus. But that isn't the covid virus or the vaccine. It didn't kill 30%, it didn't even kill 0.3% so the idea of the vaccine giving better immunity than the virus was ridiculous.
Yet, there was the constant hard sell. To protect you, to protect grandma. Sounded a bit to much like the used car salesman saying the '74 Pinto was a great car and would protect grandma just fine as long as you didn't put her in the back seat and didn't drive in front of anyone.
lol. i used to know a car salesman who was fond of saying "It's not just perfect, it's BETTER than perfect!" ;-)
"Becoming vaccinated was the easy choice, not the hard one. There was never any evidence it was the sensible choice and it could be argued - and this may seem harsh - that if you were determined to be part of the group, willfully and determinedly deaf to any counter-argument or even call for caution, absolutist in your own belief in your virtue and knowledge, irrationally frightened of death, unthinking, superficial and glib, fearful of other people’s opinion of you, filled with desire/fear to comply with the powerful for safety or favour, then becoming vaccinated was the only choice. But these are not exactly admirable qualities."
Simply outstanding! Logical. Flat. Factual. And should be damning for those who fell into the trap. (They won't get it, but I can hope!)
My wife and I were aware of the WEF agenda of depopulation long before the so-called pandemic. We knew of the pedophiles running the world, the Queens family's immoral acts though out the ages and other so-called royalty. We knew of the human trafficking of women and children and fact the governments knew about it and they know who is behind it as some of them are working with these criminals. We knew about the lie of so-called vaccines as I ended up with MS after having flu shots two years in a row fifteen or so years ago, she is deaf in one ear and we believe it was from the flu shots and a H1N1 shot. So we did not need any convincing that the experemental gene jab was dangerous especially because of the time frame in which it was developed and the fact that they had to use a emergency narrative to force it on the people. We tried to warn our family's to no avail. We have lost two family members to the jabs so far, know two men who got strokes after the second Moderna shot and are permanently crippled, one niece ended up with seizures so bad they put her into induced coma and now is recovering, she is not fully back to normal. While in hospital I met a man fully jabbed who nearly died even though he was fully jabbed. Because their is so much corruption in most if not all governments through out the world how can anyone trust any thing they say. There are so many people who seem blind even when the government policies do more harm than good through out most of their terms or do nothing other than enrich themselves and to steal tax money for the government to play with by incompetent politicians, they still trust them. I met my wife twenty years ago and woke her up to the fact of corruption in government, the medical system, how doctors today are big pharma drug pushers and the food industry is controlled by big tech and the afore mentioned industries. Because she is the type not to just take anyone's word for something she began to investigate the situation of world corruption and found things out I did not know such as how evil people used babies' from the time of the Egyptian Rulers when they were told the blood of children will heal you, and what they did with them after they were done with them and they still do this today, made me sick. She went down the rabbit hole and is now fully awake. Still with what we know we could not get many to see the truth and now are praying we don't lose our children to the evil in control as they fell for the fear or were forced by their employers to get the experimental gene jab, they could not believe anyone could be that evil. My son told me he would never buy into that idea. So-called vaccines are the reason his daughter is autistic. We pray there will be full exposure soon and the people responsible for this insanity are put behind bars or executed if the state they are in still have the death sentence. Also people must stop calling the experemental gene therapy a vaccine call it what it is, I have been trying to get those I know to understand that fact. It never was a vaccine and in the near future the truth about so-called vaccines will be exposed as well. This is nothing more than a way evil, murdering, greedy people with no human feeling or decency came up with to make mountains of money. The truth must be exposed.
After Murderna killed my mom, I was terrified of my husband getting jab’d. He finally caved in to pressure at his job, against my wishes. I would have preferred that he quit and I told him so. I struggle with the belief that he did in fact have the right to make his own choice, but his choice did have a direct negative impact on me. We haven’t been the same since. I am an unjab’d outcast in a big blue city, dealing with that on my own now. I am disappointed that he did something he really didn’t want to do. I’ve lost respect for him, and I feel alone. I don’t know how to fix it. I have no confidence that things will go better NEXT TIME. I am terrified of next time.
It's so hard 'losing' what you thought people were to what they are when the pressure is increased. Independent-minded friends and family (I thought), just buckled when the powerful snapped their fingers. So sad.
My other half did too, Aimee, but she never disparaged me or my position and has since accepted that she was wrong. Build a bridge for your guy to do the same. (And btw, you're not the only one that's "an unjab’d outcast in a big blue city"! ;-)
Remain strong.
Thank you, thank you! Especially for this: "People can rightly claim, ‘I was lied to’, but even from the very beginning there was enough information available and obvious aspects of personal experience for people to question what they were being told."
This is what drove me crazy right from the beginning--the lunatic willingness to ignore all the blindingly obvious evidence that faced everyone, every day. It's as if they considered the hysterical nonsense on the TV as reality and the real world, not to mention simple reason and logic, pure illusion and fiction. Even when forced to admit that they knew no one who even got seriously ill, much less died, from this magical "virus", they still considered denying the science showing the uselessness of masks, accepting the unscientific idiocy of distancing, and the willingness to have injected into themselves a barely tested, experimental substance, with unknown ingredients that promised to turn them into a factory to produce a possibly endless supply of what was understood to be the most toxic part of the so-called "virus" a hill worth dying on (quite literally in the case of my brother).
I never realized before 2020 how utterly enraging stubborn stupidity and willful blindness could be.
Honestly, what did we expect? These are scenarios and lessons from the schoolyard. The bully gets away with it, but when the bully falls, none of the toadies or enablers admit complicity or responsibility. They are the way they are because they wanted to be on the winning side. If their chosen side is no longer the winning side, they will not align with the loser, but instead with the winner. The most honest will admit that they were afraid of the consequences of going up against the bully. But the rest? Toadying and turning a blind eye, going along to get along... that's their NATURE.
Another truth - there's nothing we saw in the pandemic we weren't long familiar with. It was just the scale of it that was new.
Very well written!!! I agree so much with your sentiment. It's not about victim blaming, but looking deeper into what motivates our choices and behavior.
My husband and I knew something was "off" from the early days of COVID. As our hospital closed to anything elective and clinics shut down, we were both sitting at home, out of work, while no rush of patients materialized. We lost almost half of our income in 2020 due to state policies that were never justified. (And I consider us lucky! So many lost EVERYTHING. The financial harm is yet another tragedy from this.) Our children suffered greatly from state and county policies, even though pediatric hospitalizations remained exceedingly low.
By the time the vaccine rolled out, any faith we had in "the system" was gone. As a pediatrician who had believed in all the letter agencies, (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.), I now found myself skeptical of every guideline.
It didn't take long to see very worrisome adverse effects of the vaccines. I checked VAERS every night. I was alarmed that NO ONE was discussing what I was reading. My colleagues all wrote it off as "no evidence of causation."
Choosing not to get vaxxed cost me my practice and so many relationships--personal and professional. My husband and I were hit with tremendous vitriol, and some hurtful statements, ("you deserve to die if you get Covid"), can never be forgotten.
The irony, of course, is that I'm starting to get the quiet acknowledgments that perhaps we were right. The path forward isn't easy. Sometimes I just want to forgive and pretend it didn't happen. Other days, I'm so angry, and vow to fight tyranny with everything I have. I suspect the right approach is a little of both? Forgive people, not the government? Fight institutions, while aligning with like-minded people in your personal life. Always pursue truth, wherever that leads.
I'll never forget the anger I encountered in 2021 from those who did follow health advice and got jabbed upon learning I wasn't jabbed. I asked them all one simple question that shut them right up. "Do you have any idea what these genetic "vaccines" do to your immune system?" (Cue bewildered looks.)
By mid 2021 we knew that the vaccines were negatively impacting the innate immune systems as we saw rising breakthrough cases of vaccinated getting covid. It could only mean one thing - that first line immune defenders like NK (natural killer) and M1 macrophages that kill unknown pathogens were being disabled. We also knew based on IgG antibodies in the vaccine (in muscle tissue and blood post jab) did little to stop viral infections in the airways which is accomplished by IgA antibodies in mucusal membranes produced by your immune system.
We have recently learned since that the more times you get jabbed, the higher the IgG4/IgG1 ratio which is not good and increases the chances of getting cancer and a host of other diseases.
Here is just one paper on the subject...
"This paper reveals that not only is there a link between tumor progression and the presence of IgG4 due to class switching, but that this link might even be necessary for tumor promotion and progression."
“Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew. But I never took it. You know why? Because it was too damn hard."
Lt Col Frank Slade (Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman
There's a great bit of research Al Pacino did for 'Scerpico' that speaks to those that resisted the pressure to be jabbed.
The real life Scerpico told him that if he'd given in then he could never have listened to Beethoven or looked at great painting again because he knew he would have betrayed himself.
I found out early on that the vaccines are deadly. This only by cruising the internet and the information was there.
We didn't even need to cruise the Internet.
The BBC gave a running tally of Covid deaths. Criteria? Anyone dying who tested positive for Covid in the preceding 28 days writ large on the 'score board'.
The ludicrously wide net this cast should have alerted even the most dull witted.
But one example of countless.
Did the BBC at any time reveal that the experimental drugs know as Covid 19 Vaccines were deadly?